Ladies and gents, guys and dolls, divas and divos...I'm back...again. Yes, I know, I left you hungering for more, high and dry without any of my eloquent yet humorous yet interestingly enough, soul satisfying quips. **
Cue in melodramatic music here** All I ask is that you bear with me as I try not to make these random vanishings too common. I would ask that you take my word for it but even I know the proof is in the pudding so that's just what I will be serving up in the next few weeks...proof. Today's proof comes in the form of a fab find. Happy reading!
Being the night owl that I am, I was up late last night/early this morning browsing the internet (again) and I ran across
reMade USA, a company that specializes in using old leather jackets and scrap cloth to create one-of-a-kind leather handbags. Designer and founder, Shannon South, is based in Potero Hill in San Francisco, CA and has joined the sustainable design movement by upcycling leather jackets she finds in local thrift stores. The bags are reasonably priced (most under $300) and if you supply your own leather jacket, you'll receive a $20 discount. I've included a few styles below so you can see just how fab these bags are for yourself. Toodles!